Despite this, he appears to have Turalyon's respect, implying he is competant at as a professor. Pro Hunter Decks. You should change the warrior deckd, because people do actually craft missing cards like senseless legendaries. So lets stick to Highlander Hunter discovering an Arcane Explosion. Take a second to tell us how you feel! The goal here is to run Open the Waygate Quest, finish it, and then drop Embercaster + Time Warp (Quests reward). How long does it take to reach Legend in Hearthstone. Blizzard has given him lots and lots of more Hearthstone variants to cover plus ever more frequent updated changes. And if you run out of spells to play and your opponent isnt dead yet theres always Lyra the Sunshard to generate more. Its defentially the most philosophical card Ive seen yet, escpially for someone like hunter. Even in the early game, Nerubian Egg or Devilsaur Egg are great examples of big tempo wins. This card seems very scary to me. Time to spread some poison (but it's not that essential, I wouldn't recommend crafting just for the sake of playing this)! When it comes to token generators the most basic one is your Hero Power. A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Do it by bouncing it back to your hand and replaying or getting extra copies of it with Nobleman/Zola. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Hearthstone Wiki's database has been updated to Patch! Later in the game you can use it to copy your most important cards such as Sonya Shadowdancer or just get more resources. . . Flavor Text "Don't worry, this will be over in a second. These Decks reached 12 Wins. Here you can find Decks for all ten classes that reached 12 Wins. Duels is one of Hearthstone 's smaller game modes, a sort of PvP Dungeon Run where you start with a fifteen-card starting deck and keep adding treasures and more buckets to it as you. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! You can have a consistent Taunt curve starting with Turn 2, and then possibly revive a bunch of them with either of NZoths. Players start with 20 health each on the first duel, so be careful! A list of loot buckets for Hunter can be found below: Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? And so do you think that even faster Cards can just grab Proffessor Slate and Rapid Fires and theyre just good to go? Instead of the usual routine of facing AI bosses, in Duels players will get to experience a Dungeon Run-style gameplay against other players. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. No way they are going to show us an aoe hunter spell, so this will reduce to rapid fire sheanigans. I think this makes the cut for Highlander Hunter and also brings a few changes to the decklist. You should be fine. How long does it take to reach Legend in Hearthstone? Professor Slate Midrange/Poison/Secret - Hearthstone Decks Home Decks Hunter Professor Slate Midrange/Poison/Secret +6 Favorite this Deck Professor Slate Midrange/Poison/Secret Last updated Oct 20, 2020 ( Scholomance Academy) Wild 17 Minions 11 Spells Deck Type: Ranked Deck Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter Crafting Cost: 7100 Dust Needed: ? Hearthstone Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Its effect of doing 1 damage for 1 mana is just too weak. Its like your Hero Power on steroids if you stick a strong Deathrattle and then drop Strider (especially a buffed one, because it starts with 1 trigger, but gets stronger later into the run), you can win your games without them ever getting to late game because of a massive tempo win. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. I can finally play some heroic mode. How long does it take to reach Legend in Hearthstone. The first option here is a Quest Rogue. With so many things constantly coming to Hearthstone over the last few months weve been really busy. Your main goal here is to basically combo your opponent down by spamming spells and letting them take damage from Hero Power (and possibly Fireshaper passive if you manage to pick that up too). If you manage to snatch a passive that makes your minions cheaper and some extra card draw, you can actually finish your Questline and play the reward on curve and thats more pressure than most of opponents can handle (assuming they dont die early to your Pirates & weapons). Is it broken? It's Time to: Duel! More like rapid assassinate. The Duels meta with any deck full of legends with low atk and high def is awful. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. 2 Mana Zephrys/3 Mana Slate + arcane explosion or breath or something. Earth Revenant, Lurker or Fire Elemental, which can clear your opponents board (or at least a part of it) while putting a body on the board. The deck has been notorious in Constructed and nerfed a few times, but interestingly enough recently the nerfs have been reverted and you can now finish it much more easily. Some of the new Murloc additions have really made it a viable option. Rapid fire isnt that bad of a card TBH. There are so many things to constantly update that I dont know where to start so I have to delay/ignore some stuff and take care of the others first. Its just the whole preparing idea thats the problem. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Hunter Professor Slate Page 4. Were just doing a stupid little online test. I havent seen Shamans in a while, but theyll probably go token evolve, or big, so just wait until he evoles and then answer against the evoles. Even the 3/3 Embercaster itself will deal 12 damage over those extra turns, assuming your opponent doesnt have any way to prevent that. Warlock used to dominate the meta with Discard decks, but after getting nerfed at least 3 times it settled for different builds and is now in the middle of the pack. Curious what's good in the Duels game mode for Hearthstone? Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture He has Beasts. And of course you can always discover those minor AoE spells in Highlander hunter and play Slate. . The Biggest spike that Hunter could have with Slate is with Rapid Fire, to take down up to 4 Oppoments, but Again, Its that Nitpick of not trying to get him. You should play bad cards to make this work so not worth playing rn. Casual 2 Deck Source This deck was sourced from HSReplay. Flavor text Beasts Deathrattle The last theme is a secret. If you expect an insightful YouTube video exploring the cultural phenomenon of emo culture, raising questions about the authenticity of the emo identity & more, you are sadly wrong here. This page is updated multiple times a week with the best Duels Decks! Talking about resources, after the Quest is done, every turn youll get a 1 mana 5/5 in your hand with your passive, so youll always have something to put pressure with. (Hearthstone Duels) Professor Slate Subscribe for a new video every day! Sadly, if you dont encounter aggressive decks, you can run into builds that outvalue you or win through other ways, and defensive Taunt minions arent best at putting pressure. Thanks to that, you can easily set up OTK combos just a few turns into the game (with the right treasures, its even possible to do it on Turn 1). Indeed, the archetype is so good it led to the removal of Lunar Band from the format and it . Some strong new cards include Firemancer Flurgl and South Coast Chieftain giving you more burn / board control, Lushwater Murcenary, letting you come back from behind by giving all your Murlocs Rush and buffing them, and of course Nofin Can Stop Us, which is a massive, board-wide +2/+2 buff on your Murlocs, meaning that sticking just 3-4 of them can make you run away with the game. Hunter has only one basic strategy and it hasnt changed in months Deathrattle. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List. It uses the new Stormwind Questline card Final Showdown. Yes!!! You just need to be patient from the mass spams of Lackeys that they like juggling. Trying to paste the deckcode for the second warlock deck into the client on iPhone and its not working. Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Scarlet Leafdancer (7992 MMR) (Scourging | Ironweave Bloodletter) Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sai Shadestorm (8495 MMR) I dont know about you, but having two one-mana Assassinates sounds pretty good to me. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Hunter (8412 MMR)(Death Games | Deathstrider) December 29, 2021. New game modes, new formats, regular expansions, mini-sets, progression system update, now the core set etc. maybe), and you can't really tech for it in duels. What is great about this deck: Having a lot of card draw and armor stacking effects makes it hard for your opponent to finish the game even in the early levels Starting decks are 16 cards, including the one starting treasure card featured above. through silence or transform). Contents 1 Hero Powers 2 Signature Treasures 3 Loot buckets 3.1 Group Learning 3.2 Removed 4 Emotes 4.1 Unused 5 Lore 6 Patch changes Hero Powers After choosing Professor Slate, the player can choose one of these as their Hero Power . Now im excited to play Duels! For many expansions now players have asked for a new version of Dungeon Run, and we've finally got it sort of. It mostly focused on Battlegrounds & Duels, but also fixed some general bugs. Hearthstone Decks Deathrattle Hunter 12-2 Wins Duels Deathrattle Hunter 12-2 Wins Duels Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Zackattack903 Deathrattle Hunter Duels Casual 0 Hearthstone Duels Choices Hero Hero Power Treasure Passive Treasures: Cannibalism and Expedited Burial Vote On This Deck! Battlegrounds Updates Up and down we go with the typical Quest Rewards appearance rates. Brilliant, only the most obvious possible decks for each class. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. Combining the popular rush hunter decks of Sep 2020 with Professor Slate + Rapid Fire! Once you do that, closing out the game becomes pretty easy thanks to Ignite. It's just as well Professor Slate took some time off of the mushroom experiments to dabble with necromancy instead: Death Games enables any starter deck to fully lean into Deathrattle synergies, and even such unassuming cards as Nerubian Egg and Bloated Python can steamroll the opponents by default. The first build featured here is an aggressive Murloc build that is meant to rush down the opponent. Well, you may be proven wrong, I suppose. While it starts slowly, it builds up every time you play it. Aganist: Shaman is doing quite well in Duels and it has two most popular options right now Elementals and Murlocs. You can either use it to develop your own board, while possibly triggering Deathrattles at the same time or to neutralize your opponents big threats. Yesssss!!! Nope! Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Professor Slate is a 3 Mana Cost Legendary Hunter Minion card from the Scholomance Academy set! I think its a really Solid card if you can draw him out. Look no further as this article lists the best deck for each Duels class. Find the best Hearthstone Decks for March of the Lich King. So does Arcane Shot. Since this card doesnt actually provide a win condition(all it does is help control the board), you dont actually need to base your entire deck around this card. I decided to use a pass for a free heroic run. Triggering them one extra time is already a big deal, and it just gets better as the game goes by. Rapid Fire cheapest removal and its a Twin Spell! This Duels Warlock deck is built around Soul Fragments the Hero Power makes this option quite compelling. Usually, the newer a deck is, the more optimized it is. Its still bad in Wild, but it actually made it playable in Duels. Explosive trap most certainly works but I dont think anyone in their right mind would attack the hero instead of Professor Slate if theres a secret up. In this case, the decks author decided to rely on Taunts in order to survive the aggression. The game mode was supposed to be updated with new Hero Powers very commonly, but it looks like Blizzard has dropped those plans.

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