Public Key: GCYMCOHDWCX7DN7UWPSGED7Z5UPOY24KWFHP6GSY2NOIV62L2OZCHTLA, Secret Key: SDDTKXJ62SCPRMFOOKUZVLFOQHY6UMNX3FS2DW45NADGOMCDNYZ4KJFH, How to convert Kin3 keypair to Solana keypair, b0c138e3b0aff1b7f4b3e4620ff9ed1eec6b8ab14eff1a58d35c8afb4bd3b223, c7355d3ed484f8b0ae72a99aacae81f1ea31b7d965a1db9d68066730436e33c5, xzVdPtSE+LCucqmarK6B8eoxt9llodudaAZnMENuM8WwwTjjsK/xt/Sz5GIP+e0e7GuKsU7/GljTXIr7S9OyIw==, Convert the new base64 string into a UInt8Array, Use this new UInt8Array as your secret seed when creating a new Solana account (SolanaWeb3.js). Coin Guides is a fast-growing cryptocurrency publication that helps users to understand the Blockchain Technology and Crypto Currency. One of the main advantages of Solana is that it significantly solves scalability issues found on the other blockchains. Use the chart below to navigate the different options available to you depending on the type of Kin you hold. I'll soon release a tutorial on how to use a Gumdrop to distribute tokens, so that your supporters pay before claiming their airdrops! Once created you can issue the tokens by listing it on the DEX like Serum and Bonfida. From there, click on DEPOSIT KIN, and you will be presented with an option to deposit Kin ERC-20. When you have entered the token details, click Continue. That's it. 2. . There are tons of cool Solana tokens for DeFi, NFT, and Web3 projects across the Solana ecosystem. kinetic web3 kin nx solana spl-token mogami kin-foundation Updated Jan 23, 2023; TypeScript; atonoy / solana-suite . $ solana-keygen new --outfile ~/.config/solana/devnet.json If you restore your wallet using your 12-word secret recovery phrase or sync your wallet to another device, you might need to add custom tokens to your wallet again. Obtain your SPL tokens; you can convert them between ERC20 and SPL via Wormhole or Sollet Bridge. Unflagging ycrydev will restore default visibility to their posts. 0xEf9AAb0e49FCE5cFfA858c1935558cec6601357E, LTC Address: Use the search bar to find the token. Go to click create a new wallet. You will only have to bring your own liquidity. Update: I prefer your public address in this post instead of private message (it gets so many). FTX works with both addresses you can sent to the owner Sol address and the Kin SPL token address. Users who are interested in this program can start by creating a Sollet wallet for Kin SPL at Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. How do I find the token address for Fantom tokens? Make sure you have SOL to cover the fees. For this tutorial well be using Sollet and Solflare wallets Two popular non-custodial browser based wallets built specifically for Solana. As soon a it's sent, you can delete the message with your address if you prefer. The contract address is xxxxa1sKNGwFtw2kFn8XauW9xq8hBZ5kVtcSesTT9fW.The token is an SPL token on the Solana blockchain. We regularly publish content about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins, wallet guides, mining tutorials and trading tips. Create your own token. Kin (KIN) Token Tracker on Etherscan shows the price of the Token $0.00, total supply 10,000,000,000,000, number of holders 48,772 and updated information of the token. Once you have the address paste it in then manual input section on the Sollet wallet. Make sure to save the backup seed word safely. While the concept of Solana custom tokens works the same as ERC20 on Ethereum there are quite some differences. Please refer to the Kin SPL Wallet Update guide for more details. Website: Learn more about this page in our Knowledge Base. To learn more, visit: What is an Algorand opt-in transaction? This is my current code for sending SOL tokens: // const connection = new Connection(network); Stack Overflow. It will also increase your Algorand minimum reserve requirement by 0.1 ALGO. This is different from the Ethereum Network where different ERC-20 tokens are contained in . spl-token create-token. Edit (May 10, 2022): Sollet has closed and as a result is no longer swapping ERC20 Kin for US users. Join the global movement and start innovating with Kin. Have you heard the news? Kin will be the unit of account for all economic transactions within the Kin . The Solana rent is paid when activating/creating the Kin SPL token address. Also enter token name and symbol (ticker). Kin is an SPL token on the Solana blockchain, enabling consumer-scale apps to transact swiftly, with minimal-to-no fees. Kool Games, the esteemed mobile game studio that has collaborated with high-powered clients such as Voodoo and Green Panda Games, has announced that their upcoming action RPG title GodSlayer will allow players to earn, buy, and spend Kin to supercharge their gaming experience. It supports large number of transactions per second with significantly lower fees. Adding SPL / ERC20 tokens to Solana wallet is same as adding custom tokens to MetaMask wallet. It is envisioned as a general purpose cryptocurrency for use in everyday digital services such as chat, social media, and payments. SPL known as Solana Program Library is a collection of on chain programs maintained by the Solana team. Email:, to create a token account automatically in the receiving wallets you should add --allow-unfunded-recipient in addition to --fund-recipient. Use that to deposit that particular SPL token. Are you sure you want to create this branch? This is a quick guide for the more tech savvy users out there in preparation for the Solana migration. If you can't find the token address by searching then ask the token community or the developers to share the address. ERC20 tokens - if the ERC20 token you're looking for isn't in the category above, you can add them manually in this section by keying in the ERC20 token contract address. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Chainy is a smart contract which allows to create and read different kind of data in Ethereum blockchain: . Chainy est un contrat intelligent qui permet de crer et de lire diffrents types de donnes dans la blockchain Ethereum. How do I find the token address for Solana (SPL) tokens? Once password has been chosen click create wallet and the wallet will generate a new SOL (Solana) address for you. We recently discovered a critical bug in the token-lending contract of the Solana Program Library (SPL). Kin (KIN) token information. So you can send USDC in the same way as sending your own custom made tokens by changing the token address to . SPL tokens (Solanas ERC-20 equivalent) are essentially the same as erc20 tokens. Discover more of Etherscan's tools and services in one place. To submit a token information's update request, please confirm beforehand that you have: Etherscan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform. Install the spl token cli (Command line interface) $ cargo install spl-token-cli To use the devnet you'll have set the solana url to the devnet with . BTC Address: Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first. Note that youll need to send a minimum amount of SOL to initialize your token account with some of these wallets (this will allow you to send other SPL tokens including Kin to your wallet). Also here is an UI where you can mint and manage your own tokens. It is now read-only. As part of the Solana network, Kin not only has the ability to support lightning-fast transactions, but it also gains compatibility with an entire ecosystem of new tools & services. Contracts are written in Solidity and tested using Truffle and testrpc. Decentralized governance is a notable goal for any token-based ecosystem, whether the project is a blockchain protocol or a blockchain service that enables cryptocurrency use cases (Kins segment). Kool Games, the esteemed mobile game studio that has collaborated with high-powered clients such as Voodoo and Green Panda Games, has announced that their upcoming action RPG title GodSlayer will allow players to earn, buy, and spend Kin to supercharge their gaming experience. I was looking for passing a contract address of the Token somewhere but couldn't figure it out. If you are using keystore file make sure to choose a strong password. Oops! $ solana config set --url 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A token is a representation of an on-chain or off-chain asset.

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